The Black Hymnal (aka 黒い賛美歌, or "Kuroi Sanbika") is a collection of 34 Gothic love songs about a forbidden relationship. The songs range from fiery to somber to ecstatic to heartbroken. They were written over the span of 7 years.
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You can read ten of the songs here:
Devil You’ll Never Know
The Prism
Bone Redemptor
Angels Have Further to Fall
Faces That Shone Like The Sun
"A low hanging sun casts long shadows,
I don’t want to know how deep this wound goes"
"I am cold on the inside, I am blasphemous
I am unrecognizable, I never wanted this"
"Starstruck, I kissed the hand of a demon sorceress
Against my own darkness, which of us is more poisonous?"
"I feel the weight of a listless eye that looks upon us
Not from our friends, or our families, or our neighbors
I feel the sting of a blameless hand that has drawn us
Somewhere in the distance, on scraps of paper"
"I was born inside your heart, I've always been the closest
I was so deep inside of you, you never even noticed"
"My love is blind to me, invisible to you
And scrawled out for all the world to see
I've idolized you, I've dehumanized you
I've done everything but crucify you"
"My love is like wine, you are too young to drink
The thoughts in my mind would be poison to think
I survived the withdrawal. You are not so irresistible
If there's nothing left to be taken from me, I am invincible"
"You, the prism that splits the light
Into black and white, into black and white"
"Your God of Sleep is not so easily dissected"
"Just because she was the one for you
Doesn't mean you were the one for her
I am the defendant awaiting my trail
She is the judge, jury and executioner"
"We pray to God but hear his twin"
"You can't be alone and in my arms at the same time"
"I fed that demon, and I let it grow
She took your face, and became
The last friend I'll ever know"
"You do not smile. You never smiled
Your eyes remain undeciphered to me
Your heart is closed, I do not have the key
Even though your face is the only face I see"
"Sandalphon, Sandalphon
I don't even know who's side you're on..."
There are 34 songs total.
Devil You’ll Never Know
Born From a Kiss
The Prism
Bone Redemptor
Enemies Closer
My Sin is Wrath
Angels Have Further to Fall
Dante and Beatrice
Rites of Lethe
The Fruit of Human Heads
Possessed Song
You’ll Never Find Me (Until You Find Yourself)
Faces That Shone Like The Sun
L’Enfant Terrible
Throne Of…
Dream Journal
Time Capsule
One Picture
Theme of Alessa
Like Clarity