A Starspangled Zephyr

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A Starspangled Zephyr is an experimental arcade game. You drift through space and fight psychedelic boss battles, who strike in erratic, amorphous patterns.

The visuals are dark but sometimes full of nebulous colors. The gameplay is accompanied by ambient synthesizer music, which adds an ominous tone to the game.

The game cycles through slow levels, fast levels and bosses. 50 levels and 17 bosses pose unique challenges to the player.

Use arrows to move and space to shoot. Other controls can be found in the readme.

A Starspangled Zephyr was first released in April 2010. After completing ASZ, I was inspired to make the sequel Cosmic Zephyr, which you can find here.

4/27/20: The source code for A Starspangled Zephyr is now available.

(WARNING: This game has a lot of flashing colors. Do not play if you have epilepsy, seizures or are prone to migraines.)

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