Intro to the Memoir

(tl;dr version: As America discusses rescheduling cannabis, I'd like to release a chapter from my memoir regarding my life experience under America's "War on Drugs". Maybe if I put a face to the problem, people will begin to understand the seriousness of the issue.)

I began writing Godchild, a memoir of my life, after the announcement of Technoblade's death on June 30th, 2022. I wanted to write down my own "life narrative" in order to deeply examine myself, and also to leave a record of my feelings about life. Because I will have no other way to defend myself once I am gone.

I began self-medicating with cannabis for my Crohn's disease as a teenager in December 2006. I naively thought that by now my medicine would be legal, and I would no longer have to live perpetually in the shadows. I was wrong. I'm in my 30s now, I'm very sick and I feel like America's "War on Drugs" has cost me my best years.

I've had mixed emotions upon hearing that the DEA "plans to reschedule cannabis to a Schedule III drug". Since this is an election year, I can't help but feel like my medicine is just some political football. The rescheduling will have no real effect on the state level. There are tens of thousands of people in prison over cannabis right now. What about them?

So, I'd like to talk about the time my mom and I were raided by the police over cannabis. Enclosed is the penultimate chapter of my 22-chapter memoir. The title of the chapter is "$1,000,000 Bond", because that's how much our bond was individually.

It never went to trial because the police violated our fourth amendment rights by not getting a search warrant. But it still took four years of visiting court to get out of trouble, and I'm exhausted just writing about it now.

How long is this "War on Drugs" supposed to go on? Will our descendants be living under this same shadow? I cannot stand it anymore. Yet I am powerless, and all I can do is write. So here is my testimony.

Legalize cannabis, and let my people go.

You can download this chapter of my memoir for free from

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